The MuuxBRD QuickSplit 6 x 4 allows Cobra users with RJ45 connections to series wire up to 4 e-matches in each of 6 cues.
MuuxBRD is the go-to breakout board for IGNITE and Cobra systems
Series wiring for e-Match is the preferred methodology. Most firing systems provide a continuity check and and unlike parallel wiring, series wiring allows you retain the integrity of continuity checks provided by the firing system.
Most systems can support 4 e-Match in a series.
Be sure to check with your manufacturer on your systems capabilities.
The QuickSplit-6×4 comes with the following:
Get more out of your firing system with a QuickSplit-6×4.
Does not come with RJ45 cable. Works with any Cobra Firing System with RJ45 slat connections.
Protect your MuuxBRD with an enclosure.
MuuxBRD QuickSplit-6×4 Enclosure
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